
1961-01 Realty Transfer Tax
1961-02 Vacate Road
1962-01 Realty Transfer Tax
1962-02 Opening Market St Bethel
1962-04 Realty Transfer Tax
1964-01 Realty Transfer Tax
1965-01 Realty Transfer Tax
1966-01 Realty Transfer Tax
1966-02 Opening Old Mt Rd Rt 692
1967-01 Realty Transfer Tax
1967-02 Opening Rt 957
1967-03 Opening Alleys in Frystown
1967-04 Opening Alleys in Bethel
1967-05 Realty Transfer Tax
1968-01 Sewage – Onlot Sewer
1968-03 Earned Income Tax
1969-01 Opening Old Mt Rd Rt 692
1970-01 Planning Commission
1972-01 Planning Commission Amend
1972-02 Local Tax
1974-01 Open-Cutting Roads
1974-02 Drains Culverts Driveways
1975-01 SALDO
1977-01 Zoning Ordinance
1977-02 Earned Income Tax
1978-01 Incur Debt Twp Bldg
1979-01 Curfew
1981-01 Realty Transfer Tax Amend
1981-02 SALDO Amend
1981-03 Zoning Amend
1983-01 Zoning Height of Structures
1985-02 Cable TV Franchise
1985-03 Supervisor Compensation
1991-01 Stop Intersection N Faust & Club Rds
1991-02 Stormwater Mgt
1991-03 Zoning Amend Agriculture zones
1991-04 Driveway
1992-01 Zoning Amend for Signs
1992-02 Junkyard
1992-03 Junk vs Junkyard
1992-04 Vacate 7 Roads
1992-05 Zoning Amend Ag Bldgs
1995-01 Open Fires
1995-02 Penal Institutions
1995-03 Restricting Truck Traffic
1995-04 Vacate Camp Strauss
1995-05 Fire and Ambulance Services
1996-01 Bridge Weight Limit
1996-02 Tax Collector Fees
1996-03 Restricting Truck Traffic Brown Rd
1996-04 Weeds
1996-05 Penal Revisions
1997-01 Speed Limit Rt 22
1997-02 Zoning Amend
1997-03 Building Permits
1997-04 Noise Ordinance
1998-01 PLGIT
1998-02 Repeal Penal
1998-03 Vacate Rd – Strawberry Alley
1998-04 Speed Limit
1998-05 Amend Zoning Map
1999-01 Amend Zoning Map
1999-02 Tax Collector Fee
1999-03 SALDO
2000-01 Amend Zoning Map
2000-02 Zoning Amend
2000-03 Moratorium SALDO
2000-04 Zoning
2001-01 Fireworks
2001-02 Emergency Aid Agreement
2001-03 Speed Limit
2001-04 Speed Limit
2001-05 Delinquent Tax Collector
2002-01 Zoning Ordinance Amended
2002-02 Establish BTMA
2002-03 Zoning Amend
2003-01 Zoning Amend
2003-02 BTMA Incur Debt
2003-03 Zoning Map Amend
2004-01 Uniform Construction Code
2004-02 Zoning Amend
2004-03 Zoning Amend
2005-01 Permit Fees
2005-02 Peddling Soliciting Permits
2005-03 Curfew
2005-04 Driveway Construction
2005-05 SALDO Amend
2005-06 Zoning Amend
2005-07 Est Recreation Board
2005-08 Uniform Construction Code Amend
2005-09 Police Pension Plan
2006-01 SALDO Amend Rec Fees
2006-02 Est EAC
2006-03 Zoning Map Amend
2006-04 SALDO Amend
2006-05 Storm water Management Amend
2006-06 Driveway Construction Amend
2006-07 BTMA Incur Debt
2006-08 BTMA Incur Debt
2007-01 Open Fires Amend
2007-02 On lot Sewage Amend
2007-03 Realty Transfer Tax Amend
2007-04 BTMA Incur Debt
2007-05 Est Public Sewer Districts
2008-01 BTMA Incur Debt
2008-02 Zoning Adopt and Amend 2 of 2
2008-03 UCC Appeals Board Int gov Agreement
2008-04 SALDO Amend
2008-05 Storm water Management Amend
2008-06 Inter gov Agreement with Upper Tulpy
2008-07 Consolidating Traffic and Parking
2008-08 safe Property and Structure
2008-09 Sewer Connection Amend
2009-01 Zoning Amend
2009-02 Traffic Impact Fee Amend
2009-03 Bethel Street Occupancy Ordinance and Fee Schedule
2009-03 Street Occupancy
2009-04 BTMA Incur Debt
2009-05 Driveway Amend
2010-01 Police Pension Plan Amend
2010-02 SALDO Amend Parks and Rec
2010-03 Zoning Amend Forests
2010-04 Int gov Agreement Amend – Mutual Aid
2011-01 Sewer Connect Amend
2011-02 Cable Service Provide
2011-03 BTMA Incur Debt
2011-04 Zoning Amend
2011-05 BTMA Incur Debt
2011-06 Earned Income Tax
2011-07 Zoning Amend
2011-08 Zoning Amend
2012-01 LERTA
2012-02 Floodplain Amend
2012-03 Junkyard Amend
2012-04 Twp BOS Incur Debt
2012-05 Vacate Road
2012-06 Traffic n Parking
2013-01 Sale of Bond Twp Bldg
2013-02 Zoning Amend
2013-03 Sewer Connect Amend
2013-04 BTMA Incur Debt
2014-01 Traffic Amend
2014-02 Zoning Amend
2014-03 Health Insurance
2014-04 PSATS Unemp Comp
2014-05 Rec Bd Term Limits
2014-06 Non-uniform
2015-01 Twp Manager Position
2015-02 Storm water Amend
2015-03 Intgov Agreement – Crack Sealer
2015-04 Vacate Road MAP
2016-01 LERTA 645
2016-02 PIB – Loan Schubert Road
2017-01 Vacate Road
2018-01 Traffic Impact Fee Amend
2018-02 LERTA NorthPoint
2018-03 Local Service Tax
2018-04 Intergov Agreement
2018-05 Local Service Tax
2018-06 Vacate Road
2019-01 Traffic n Parking Amend
2019-02 Sewer Connection Amend
2020-01 Trash Litter
2020-02 EMA Reimbursement
2020-03 Vacate Road
2020-04 Vacate Road
2020-05 Traffic n Parking Amend
2021-01 Zoning Amend 1 of 3
2021-01 Zoning Amend 2 of 3
2021-01 Zoning Amend 3 of 3
2021-03 Intgov Agreement – UCC Appeals
2021-04 Traffic Impact Fee Amend
2022-01 Nuisance
2022-02 Revised Amend UCC Ordinance to Require Key Boxes
2023-01 Adopt and Amend 2018 IPMC
2023-02 Outdoor Burning Ordinance
2024-02 Defacing Public Property
2024-04 Est Public Sewer Districts
Disturbing the Peace
Inspection Service Fee Schedule
Municipal Waste Management Plan
Stormwater Management Ordinance
Swimming Pool Guidelines
Township Park and Field Use

Contact Us

Bethel Township 60 Klahr Road
Bethel, PA 19507