Mike Najarian – Chairman
Daphne Meyer – Secretary
Marthe Olesh – Vice Chairman
Tamara Ritter – Member
Jacob Meyer – Member
The Environmental Advisory Council reviews all subdivisions and land development plans with regard to environmental issues, such as flood plains, wetlands, woodland, etc. The Environmental Advisory Council is a five-member body, which is appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Members of the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) serve staggered five-year terms.
Information for the Spotted Lanternfly pictures Take a minute to read this important information regarding the Spotted Lanternfly, 1) how to identify, 2) where the insect may be found, 3) signs and symptoms and 4) what to do if found: – Spotted Lanternfly Info.
Agricultural Security Advisory Board:
Gene Brown
Scotty Seiverling
David Younker
Larry Schmehl
The purpose of the Agricultural Security Advisory Board is to receive proposals from area farmers for the creation of Agricultural Security areas. This committee will advise the Board of Supervisors and work with the Planning Commission in relation to the establishment, modification, and termination of Ag Security Areas within the Township. This Committee will reconvene if another application is made for an Agricultural Security Area or if changes to the existing Area are proposed. Committee members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors on an annual basis.