
Municipal Authority

Harold Gruber – Chairman/Assistant Treasurer

John High  Vice Chairman

Bobbi Westhafer – Business Manager/Secretary

Robert Lingle  Assistant Secretary/Treasurer

Jacob Meyer – Member

John Brown – Member

The purpose of the Municipal Authority is to oversee the design, construction, ownership, financing, operation, and management of the public sewage systems that will serve the villages of Bethel and Frystown.   The Authority Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a five (5) year term.

For your convenience a drop box is also available in the Township Office lobby, payments may be dropped during Township hours.

Monday-Thursday: 8am – 4pm

P.O. Box 274, Bethel, PA  19507

Phone:  717-933-5088


Township office

Township Secretary: Bobbi Westhafer
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Bobbi-Jo Peiffer


Mike Najarian – Chairman

Daphne Meyer – Secretary

Marthe Olesh – Vice Chairman

Tamara Ritter – Member

Jacob Meyer – Member

The Environmental Advisory Council reviews all subdivisions and land development plans with regard to environmental issues, such as flood plains, wetlands, woodland, etc. The Environmental Advisory Council is a five-member body, which is appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Members of the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) serve staggered five-year terms.


Gene Brown

Scotty Seiverling

David Younker

Larry Schmehl

The purpose of the Agricultural Security Advisory Board is to receive proposals from area farmers for the creation of Agricultural Security areas. This committee will advise the Board of Supervisors and work with the Planning Commission in relation to the establishment, modification, and termination of Ag Security Areas within the Township. This Committee will reconvene if another application is made for an Agricultural Security Area or if changes to the existing Area are proposed. Committee members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors on an annual basis.

Recreation Board

Donald Almond – Chairman

Mark Shirk – Vice-chairman

Darlene Orendo – Asst Secretary

Calvin Maciejewski – Member

Dale Stump – Alternate

The Recreation Board is an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission in matters regarding development of all recreational areas within the Township. The Recreational Board reviews all applications for subdivision and land development and gives their recommendations to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors regarding open space issues and recreational areas.

The goal of this committee is to preserve as much open space as possible, in order to provide appealing parks and recreational areas for the residents of the community. The Recreation Board is a five-member Board appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Members of this committee serve staggered five (5) year terms.

Planning Commission

William Straw – Chairman

Betsy Bowman – Secretary

Michael Orendo – Vice Chairman

George Shollenberger – Member

Sheldon Martin – Member

Steve Burkhart – Member

Betty Martin – Member

The Planning Commission of Bethel Township consists of seven (7) members who are residents of the Township. The Board of Supervisors appoints them for four year terms.  The purpose of the Planning Commission is to:

  • Review and comment on the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Prepare and review the Zoning Ordinance, the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, provisions for planned residential development, and such other ordinances for consideration by the Board of Supervisors.
  • Review and make recommendations on proposals to rezone land.
  • Review and make recommendations on land development and subdivision plans


The administration of townships and other forms of municipal government has become very complex. As such, most townships delegate some administrative responsibilities to appointed officials or firms. The Second Class Township Code allows the Board of Supervisors to appoint individuals who possess a specific expertise to employed administrative positions. In this regard, Bethel Township has appointed a Township Solicitor, Township Engineer, Zoning and Building Professionals, although appointment of other specialized professionals is also permitted.

The township code also permits the Board of Supervisors to enlist the capabilities of its citizenry through formation of authorities, boards and commissions. This allows the governing body to draw upon citizens with particular expertise and to directly involve citizens in their government. Some of the more common authorities, boards and commissions operating in Second Class Townships are planning commissions, recreations committees, environmental advisory councils, zoning hearing boards, municipal authority and agriculture security advisory board.


Local government is becoming more complex every day. Citizens expect effective and efficient services, and federal and state governments are placing more and more responsibilities at the local level. The successful operation of a township requires the time and effort of many people. Bethel Township offers several educational and information services, such as minutes which are provided through this web site to the Board of Supervisors meetings, and the other township committee meetings.

Township meetings will be held in the Bethel Township Office Meeting Room at 60 Klahr Rd.; generally the second Thursday of each month at 6PM.  (Check calendar on home page for meeting dates.)

Contact Us

Bethel Township 60 Klahr Road
Bethel, PA 19507