Harold Gruber – Treasurer
John High – Vice Chairman
David Younker – Member
John Brown – Member
The purpose of the Municipal Authority is to oversee the design, construction, ownership, financing, operation, and management of the public sewage systems that will serve the villages of Bethel and Frystown. The Authority Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a five (5) year term.
For your convenience a drop box is also available in the Township Office lobby, payments may be dropped during Township hours.
- Monday-Thursday: 8am – 4pm
- Friday: Closed
Attention Public Sewer Users
Frequently asked question:
Q: Why am I receiving penalties on my bill?
A: It has come to our attention that some of the Sewer Users in the Township are confused about our billing practices. By law, we have to bill for use that has already happened. Therefore, each monthly invoice is for the use of the sewer from the past month. Example; The September 1, 2012 invoices were for August sewer use. The due date on those invoices is October 1, 2012. If that invoice is not paid by the due date a 10% late fee is charged in accordance with the Late Fee Resolution.
So to say it another way, if a monthly invoice is not paid by the 1st day of the following month a late fee will be applied. Please keep in mind that if you fall behind in payment you will have a late fee applied each month until you get current. All payments received are applied to the oldest invoice / charge.
We do have an automatic withdrawal option available to pay your sewer bill. That will guarantee that you will never get a late charge. Collecting the payment is the responsibility of Bethel Township Municipal Authority. The withdrawal will take place on the 25th of the month or the next business day if the 25th falls on a weekend.
If you would like a form to start the automatic withdrawal process:
- P.O. Box 274, Bethel, PA 19507
- Phone: 717-933-5088
- e-mail: betheltwpma@gmail.com